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María Fernández Raga

Short CV:
María Fernández Raga is Full Professor at the University of León in Applied Physics and Director of International Relations at that university since 2017, combining teaching, research and management tasks.  She holds a PhD in Applied Physics and Engineering and a degree in Environmental Sciences.
Her research career has been developed mainly in two areas: applications on rain characterization and heritage protection and online teaching in STEM areas.  She has been a teacher at different educational levels, high school and university. Moreover, she has broad experience as a freelancer both in engineering and in laboratories. Her teaching experience is also in many different science careers (Industrial Engineering, Aeronautical, Agricultural, Mining, Teaching, Biology and Environmental Sciences), as well as in other Spanish universities (such as the UNED) or foreign universities (Chile, China, Holland and Germany). She has directed several national and European projects, and she has numerous publications recognized worldwide, and a European patent.

Contact info:
Linkedin: María Fernández Raga